BestBuy.Ads – RETAIL MeDIA AdTech Platform

As the retail media landscape evolved, so did the Best Buy AdTech platform. I’m the lead UX designer for Best Buy Ads, a self-service advertising reporting platform. I am directly responsible for redesigning and modernizing the customer experience to be on par with the best ad tech platforms. All customer journeys are focused on intuitive, user-friendly workflows that efficiently complete customer tasks.

Summary Dashboards: Campaign Performance Reporting. Aggregate dashboards that measure campaign performance and ROAS across all campaign vehicle types (channels). The platform serves internal stakeholders and external vendor customers by allowing faceted queering and dimensional analysis across all campaigns and drill-downs to individual campaign performance reporting at the SKU level.

Coming Soon
As a UX Lead Designer, I was directly responsible for shipping over fifteen features developed over 3-6 month development sprints. UX system model features include SSO, Customer Onboarding, Account Management, User Management, Campaign Creation, Campaign Management, Scheduled Reporting, Notification Systems, KB System, Finance/Billing systems, and Summary Dashboards. The platform started internally facing and scaled to public-facing with hundreds of daily users.